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Financial Analyst Report - A2M FY23 Result and Forecast Changes

FY23 Result and Changes to Forecasts:

A2 Milk (A2M) has reported FY23 underlying NPAT exceeding our expectations, reaching NZ$155.6 million. Key highlights from the results include:

Operating Results:

  • Revenue of NZ$1,593 million, up +10% YoY (versus BPe NZ$1,587 million).
  • EBITDA of NZ$219.3 million, up +12% YoY (versus BPe NZ$215.4 million).
  • EBITDA ex-MVM (Marketing and Advertising) at NZ$245.8 million (versus BPe NZ$234.3 million).
  • Underlying NPAT of NZ$155.6 million, up +27% YoY (versus BPe $147.5 million).

Infant Formula Drivers:

  • China distribution points decreased -2% YoY to 25,900 and were down -3% from the previous half.
  • China direct Infant Milk Formula (IMF) sales reached NZ$945.6 million (+36% YoY) and constituted 90% of total 2H23 IMF sales (compared to 67% in FY22 and 80% at 1H23).
  • Marketing expenditure amounted to NZ$260.2 million (versus BPe of NZ$274.9 million), showing a +14% YoY increase.

Cashflow and Balance Sheet:

  • Lease-adjusted operating cashflow of NZ$107.7 million, compared to a NZ$199.7 million inflow in FY23 (and BPe of NZ$102.5 million). This reflects a NZ$103.1 million working capital investment ahead of China regulatory changes.
  • Net cash at the end of the period stood at NZ$700.7 million (BPe NZ$695.2 million), compared to NZ$763.0 million in FY22, impacted by a NZ$149.1 million share buyback.

FY24e Outlook:

  • A2M expects low single-digit revenue growth in FY24e with EBITDA margins largely consistent with FY24e levels, accompanied by higher levels of cash conversion.
  • The company has retained its medium-term target EBITDA in the "teens," although it states that reaching the "low-to-mid 20s" is unlikely in the foreseeable future.

Changes to Forecasts:

Following the result, we have downgraded our NPAT forecasts by -6% in FY24e and FY25e. Our target price has been revised to A$4.85 per share (previously A$5.70 per share).

Investment View - Hold Rating Unchanged:

We anticipate that 1H24 will pose challenges due to the China label transition and potential disruptions as brands exit the market (approximately 35% are yet to receive SAMR approval). However, A2M has managed to gain market share in all key measures within a declining market. The company is well-positioned to benefit from brand consolidation in the Chinese market, stabilizing birth rates, and the return of overseas travelers and students to Australia.

Report authored by Janice Landing, Analyst at Centec Securities, on 21st August 2023.
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